Mindfulness Meditation

On this journey, Emily is sharing the benefits of mindfulness, which in a sense means re-training our brain's neural wiring.  It is not as mysterious as what people would think.  It is science based and backed by thousands of studies published in recent medical neuroscience journals.  


When we are under stress, we automatically use our so-called "reptilian brain" which is the most primitive and least evolved part of our brain to function - usually in a reactive way to deal with our circumstances.   When we practice mindfulness, we retrain our brain so we can function in a wise, non-reactive way.  Otherwise, history most likely will  repeat itself.  Our future will look like our past if we remain unconscious of our mind and behavior. 


With practice, we realize we are not who we think we are, or what the society labels us to be.  Our essence is invisible.  Our essence is not our minds nor our bodies.  


The practice is to reconnect with our essence, our real Self. Without this awareness of connection, nothing can fulfill us in this so-called life. 


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